You are currently viewing 8 in 1 Gold Class Prebiotic

8 in 1 Gold Class Prebiotic

Livaux® is a premium prebiotic made from non-GMO New Zealand gold kiwifruit. It is a scientifically proven supplement and functional food ingredient that helps to improve the overall gut microbiome composition.

Key Features & Benefits

The multifunctional prebiotic, Livaux® is a bar above the other prebiotics with several key differentiating features:

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*IBS = Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Actionable Insights

New products are developed for a reason. As for dietary supplements, brand owners often seek solutions to develop formulations that can help the public to achieve certain health goals. According to Mintel data insights, new product launches containing prebiotics marks the top 3 ranking in functional health claims globally.


Target Persona

You may need prebiotics if you have the following health symptoms persistently:


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